'Monthly Phenomenology' Series 21-22
This is our second series of talks, which will gather scholars interested in phenomenology and its relation to contemporary issues in philosophy, especially in the philosophy of mind. ​
Our aim is to establish a forum of discussion where people can meet on a regular basis and present their work-in-progress or recent publications.
The topics once more stretch from the history of early phenomenology to the systematic application of phenomenological insights to recent debates in analytic philosophy.
Schedule: The talks will take place once a month on a Friday from September to June. Time: 10:15am ET, 3:15pm GMT, 4:15pm CET. Talks last 90 minutes, including a 45 minutes Q&A.
Participation: Talks are held on zoom. To participate, please send an email to hamid.taieb@hu-berlin.de with the heading "Registration Monthly Phenomenology". A zoom link will be sent to you the day preceding each talk.
Elijah Chudnoff (University of Miami)
Inferential Seemings
24 September 2021
Anna Ichino (State University of Milan)
Conspiracy Theories and Make-Believe
29 October 2021
Jean Moritz Müller (University of Bonn)
Knowing Value and Acknowledging Value
12 November 2021
Anna Bortolan (Swansea University)
Epistemic Emotions and Self-Trust: A Phenomenological Proposal
17 December 2021
Witold Płotka (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
Blaustein on Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality: Sources, Context and Main Arguments
14 January 2022
Sanneke de Haan (Tilburg University)
Self-Illness and Self-Medication Ambiguity in Patients with Recurrent Depressions: Preliminary Results from a Qualitative Study
25 February 2022
Hayden Kee (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Unsymbolized Thinking? A Reinterpretation Through the Horizonality of Linguistic Experience
11 March 2022
Elisa Magrì (Boston College)
Awakening from Habit: The Phenomenology of Habit between Internalization and Sedimentation
29 April 2022
NB: This talk was cancelled.
Angela Mendelovici (Western Ontario)
Singular Experiences (With and Without Objects)
20 May 2022
NB: This talk replaced that by Clare Mac Cumhaill (Durham University).
Kyle Banick (Chapman University/California State University Long Beach)
Husserl, Experiential Conceptualism, and Stone Duality
3 June 2022
Guillaume Fréchette (University of Geneva)
Marta Jorba (University Pompeu Fabra)
Alessandro Salice (University College Cork)
Hamid Taieb (Humboldt University Berlin)
Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Organized on behalf of the Network for Phenomenological Research